All our awards, peer-reviewed publications, oral presentations, posters, reports and guidance.


(2018) RCP Excellence in Patient Care Awards
Shortlisted in Medical Education and Training category
(2016) West Midlands Academic Health Science Network
Celebration of Innovation Award – Highly Commended for Patient Safety
(Nursing SCRIPT)
(2013) Patient Safety Awards
Winner of Improving Safety in Medicine Management category
(Medicine & Surgery SCRIPT)

(2013) Patient Safety Awards
Finalist in Education and Training category
(Medicine & Surgery SCRIPT)

(2012) BMJ Improving Health Awards
Finalist: Excellence in Healthcare Education
(Medicine & Surgery SCRIPT)

Peer-reviewed Publications

(2023) Educational interventions to reduce nurse medication interruptions: A scoping review. 
Owen S, Menzies J, Pontefract S
Nurse Education Today, 121, 105665.

(2022)  Coping with COVID: Preparing prescribers during the pandemic.
Ferner, R. E., Mason, J., Vallance, H. K., Choudhary, T., Marriott, J. F., Coleman, J. J., & Pontefract, S. K.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88(5), 2437-2440.
(2019) Safe prescribing in general dental practice–challenges and solutions.
Mason, J., Vallance, H., Pontefract, S., & Coleman, J. J.
Dental Update, 46(9), 828-835.
(2016) Perceptions and Impact of Mandatory eLearning for Foundation Trainee Doctors: A Qualitative Study
Brooks HL, Pontefract SK, Vallance HK, Hirsch CA, Hughes E, Ferner RE, et al
PLos ONE. 11(12):e0168558
(2016) An evaluation of UK foundation trainee doctors’ learning behaviours in a technology-enhanced learning environment
Brooks HL, Pontefract SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes, E, Marriott JF, et al
BMC Medical Education 16:133

Oral Presentations

(2024) SCRIPT: eLearning to improve prescribing and support the safe, effective use of medicines
Vallance HK
Presented at: Foundation Programme: Foundation doctors advisory board: 08/02/2024

(2022) Medication Interruptions and Behaviour Management Strategies on Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU): An observational Study.
Owen S, Menzies J, Pontefract S
Presented at: European Academy of Paediatrics Conference. Barcelona International Convention Centre, Spain 7-11/10/2022

(2022) Nurses’ experience of an education intervention to help effective management of medication interruptions.
Owen S, Menzies J, Pontefract S
Presented at: HEE Future Directions Midlands wide Conference. The Studio Birmingham, UK 19/10/2022

(2018) SCRIPT: Improving prescribing and medicines management education through eLearning.
Coleman JJ, Pontefract SK, Vallance HK, Kubenz VI, Blackwell NC, Hughes E, Ferner RE, Marriott JF
Presented at: World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Kyoto, Japan: 01-04/07/2018

(2017) Dental SCRIPT: An innovative eLearning programme to improve prescribing competency.
Vallance HK
Presented at: West Midlands Dental Trainee Conference, Birmingham, UK: 20/09/2017


(2024) Behind the Scenes: Observational Insights into Developing the SCT for Prescribing Decision-Making.
Alhossaini R, Pontefract S, Cox A.
Virtual Poster Symposium (e-poster presentation) exhibited at: American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). 21-22/05/2024
(2024) The effectiveness of ‘think aloud’ technique to mapy decision making processes for prescribing: a systematic review.
Martin D, Coleman J & Pontefract SPoster exhibited at: 8th ASME Midlands Medical Education Conference, Birmingham 10/04/2024
(2022) Nurses’ experience of an education intervention to help effective management of medication interruptions.
Owen S, Menzies J, Pontefract S
Poster exhibited at: Peadiatric Critical Care Society Conference. Leicester, UK 14-16/09/2022
(2022) Paediatric Intensive Care (PICU) Health Care Professional’s Views on Medication Interruptions and their Management.
Owen S, Menzies J, Pontefract S
Poster exhibited at: European Academy of Paediatrics Conference. Barcelona International Convention Centre, Spain 7-11/10/2022
(2018) SCRIPT – eLearning to improve medical education relating to prescribing and therapeutics.
Coleman JJ, Vallance HK, Kubenz VI, Ferner RE, Pontefract SK, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF
Poster exhibited at: COMET, Birmingham, UK: 25-27/06/2018
(2018) SCRIPT – Improving prescribing and therapeutics education through eLearning.
Ferner RE, Vallance HK, Kubenz VI, Pontefract SK, Hughes E, Blackwell NC, Coleman JJ, Marriott, JF
Poster exhibited at: RCP Annual Conference / Innovation in Medicine, London, UK: 25-26/06/2018
(2018) SCRIPT – eLearning to improve knowledge of appropriate prescribing around AMS and Sepsis.
Vallance HK, Kubenz VI, Marriot JF, Coleman JJ, Ferner RE, Hughes E, Blackwell, N
Poster exhibited at: HEE Population Health and Prevention Conference, Leeds, UK: 07/03/2018
(2017) SCRIPT: Improving prescribing and medicines management education through eLearning.
Vallance HK, Kubenz VI, Pontefract SK, Blackwell NC, Hughes E, Ferner RE, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: Patient First, London, UK: 21/11/2017
(2016) An eLearning programme for continued professional development of general practitioners.
Mehra R, Pontefract SK, Blackwell N, Vallance HK, Ferner RE, Marriott JF, Wilkinson M, Coleman JJ, Hughes E
Poster exhibited at: RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference, Harrogate, UK: 06-08/10/2016
(2016) A systematic evaluation of SCRIPT eLearning: from theory to practice.
Brooks HL, Pontefract SK, Vallance HK, Blackwell N, Marriott JF, Hughes E, Ferner RE, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: Annual Scientific Meeting (ASME), Belfast, UK: 06/07/2016
(2016) SCRIPT eLearning: building on a firm Foundation.
Vallance HK, Pontefract SK, Blackwell N, Ferner RE, Brooks HL, Hodson J, Marriott JF, Hughes E, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Gothenburg, Sweden: 13/04/2016
(2016) SCRIPT eLearning: a multi-method evaluation.
Coleman JJ, Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Ferner RE
Poster exhibited at: OTTAWA 2016, Perth, Australia: 19/03/2016
(2016) SCRIPT: An innovative eLearning programme to improve medicines management by qualified nurses in the West Midlands.
Vallance HK, Pontefract SK, Blackwell N, Ferner RE, Tait D, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: RCN Education Forum, Telford, UK: 15/03/2016
(2016) SCRIPT: An innovative eLearning programme to improve medicines management by qualified nurses in the West Midlands.
Vallance HK, Pontefract SK, Blackwell N, Ferner RE, Tait D, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: RCN Education Forum, Telford, UK: 15/03/2016
(2015) A systematic evaluation of SCRIPT E-Learning: from theory to practice.
Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: Implementing the Urgent and Emergency Care Vision in London, London, UK: 17/11/2015
(2015) A systematic evaluation of SCRIPT E-Learning: from theory to practice.
Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: Networking for Educators in Healthcare Conference (NET 2015), Cambridge, UK: 08/09/2015
(2015) Learning analytics of an online eLearning programme: A descriptive account.
Thomas SK, Blackwell N, Brooks HL, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: International Association for Medical Education (AMEE), Glasgow, UK: 06/09/2015
(2015) SCRIPT eLearning: a multi-method evaluation.
Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: International Association for Medical Education (AMEE), Glasgow, UK: 06/09/2015
(2015) SCRIPT eLearning: A prescribing education tool for junior doctors.
Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: International Health Workforce Conference, London and Cambridge, UK: 12/05/2015
(2015) Medicines optimisation: Using eLearning to improve the knowledge of junior doctors.
Brooks HL, Thomas SK, Hodson J, Blackwell N, Hughes E, Marriott JF, Coleman JJ
Poster exhibited at: Prescribing Research in Medicines Management (PRIMM), London, UK: 23/01/2015